Neat, cost effective ways to tidy-up and integrate your computer/light or camera choices

  • About

    We want you to have agreat experience shopping with us. We are a very small business born out of years in the cycle industry. We believe that there are very few inventions as great as the simple bicycle, from transport to racing and everything in between the bicycle has been there to help us.

  • Wayward Dog Cycles Blog

    Dog Blog

    To show the world that we are more than just making up the numbers. A place where we share our thougts and insights on cycling and far more. Dog Blog

  • Post Your Dog & Bike

    Very little makes us happier than seeing your trusty steed accompanied by your trusty liege. We have created this section to allow you to post pictures, the more the merrier. We will even have some prizes to give away to the best Dog/Bike pics we receive.

    Your Dog & Bike Pics